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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

week 3

if videos don't play, click left-hand part of video title

Quiz: see bottom of page.

Peter Popoff. Great discussion on this, as followup to your TV assignment:


More if you dare:

Click:"Salvation on the Small Screen": 24 hours of Christian TV/crack

Core message:

 KINGDOM:.. OF GOD/heaven:

  • not realm, but reign
  • not place , but person
  • not race, but grace
  • not just "then and there," but 'here and now" (Matt. 4:17, 6:10) 

  • See first 1:42 in video..  We'l pick it up from there next week"


Moodle forum 1: Apples and Oranges:

Teacher's pick
Watch this short video  below (you can stop at 8:07 mark),and then read this brief follow-up article.
Respond to questions.  Reply to at least two students  about c and d .

a)Video: paragraph summary and response.   Be sure to Include definitions of "Apples and Oranges", and of "Verse-itis"
b) Video:What chiasm did you catch?
c) Article: Are you more RRWI or EPIC, and why?
d) Post a paragraph where you analyze a group or institution  (Church, staff, cohort, business etc.) according  to  orange/apple and RRWI/ EPIC.  Where does it fit?  What changes might it make in these EPIC /Apple times?  If you were the leader  (or consultant) of this group, what lessons from the article might you apply?

Girls field trip:


How you read the text changes as much as everything.

Spaces matter.

Like this:

Professor Ernest Brennecke of Columbia is credited with inventing a sentence that can be made to have eight different meanings by placing ONE WORD in all possible positions in the sentence: 
"I hit him in the eye yesterday."

The word is "ONLY".
The Message:

1.ONLY I hit him in the eye yesterday. (No one else did.)
2.I ONLY hit him in the eye yesterday. (Did not slap him.)
3.I hit ONLY him in the eye yesterday. (I did not hit others.)
4.I hit him ONLY in the eye yesterday. (I did not hit outside the eye.)
5.I hit him in ONLY the eye yesterday. (Not other organs.)
6.I hit him in the ONLY eye yesterday. (He doesn't have another eye..)
7.I hit him in the eye ONLY yesterday. (Not today.)
8.I hit him in the eye yesterday ONLY. (Did not wait for today.)

Like this 'text message' from Jesus:
or is it,

The original manuscripts of the Bible not only run all letters, all caps, together, but include no punctuation.

Punctuation matters.

Everything is  context.

context      ieverything.

By the way, that last statement was a chiasm 

TEXT reading practice.. Song interp: 

 "Sleep Like A Baby Tonight" 
Morning, your toast, your tea and sugar
Read about the politician’s lover
Go through the day like knife through butter
Why don’t you
You dress in the colors of forgiveness
Your eyes as red as Christmas
Purple robes are folded on the kitchen chair
You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
In your dreams, everything is alright
Tomorrow dawns like someone else’s suicide
You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
It’s a dirty business, dreaming
Where there is silence and not screaming
Where there’s no daylight, there’s no healing
You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
In your dreams, everything is alright
Tomorrow dawns like a suicide
But you’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
Hope is where the door is
When the church is where the war is
Where no one can feel no one else’s pain
You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
In your dreams, everything is alright
Tomorrow dawns like a suicide
But you’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
Sleep like a baby tonight
Like a bird, your dreams take a flight
Like St. Francis covered in light
You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight



Version 2

"Sleep Like A Baby Tonight" (Alternate Perspective Mix)
In the morning when you wake up
You won’t have much
But you’ll have enough
When you are weakest
I’ll be strong enough for you

Yeah, the ones where you are fearless
Can’t break what’s broken
You are tearless
Steal back your innocence
That’s what they stole from you

You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
Not everything can be so black and white
There are demons in the broad daylight
But you can sleep like a baby tonight

Where you stand right now
Just stop
Don’t think or look down at the drop
The people staring from the street
Don’t know what you’ve got

You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
No, not everything can be so black and white
There are demons in the broad daylight
But you can sleep like a baby tonight

Hope is where the door is
When home is where the war is
Where nobody can feel no one else’s pain

You’re gonna sleep like a baby tonight
Not everything can be so black and so white
There are demons in the broad daylight
You’ve got to sleep like a baby tonight
Sleep like a baby tonight
Where you stand
Where you fall is where I kneel
To take your heart back to where you can feel
Like a child, a child


--This week';s "COMMUNITY"  topic is Greatness

Jesus came to serve.
             The last shall be first.
                         That's who is great in the Kingdom  economy:

Jesus said in it yet another chiasm:
But those who exalt            themselves will be               humbled, 
and those who humble     themselves will be                exalted
(Matt 23:12)


 we apply some "Three Worlds" theory to Matthew 18 and the topic of "Who is great?"

As we study, apply as many literary world symbols as you can

A video on that chapter featuring Keltic Ken: 

Related outtakes:


  • -

Of Historical World note:

    • What did you learn about a millstone ? ( notes at 

    this (click)

    • Review: Why did we say Carlos was temporarily greater than the rest of us?

    Page 19 of Syllabus,Matthew 18 Outline
    (by Greg Camp/Laura Roberts):

    Question #1: Who is Greatest?

    2-17 Responses (each are counter proposals):

    2-10 Response #1: Children
    2-4 Counter Proposal: Accept children
    5-9 Threat: If cause scandal
    10 Show of force: Angels protect

    12-14 Response #2: Sheep
    (Who is temporarily greater?)
    12-14 Counter Proposal: Search for the 1 of 100 who is lost

    15-17 Response #3Brother who sins (counter proposal)
    15a Hypothetical situation: If sin
    15-17 Answer: Attempt to get brother to be reconciled
    17b If fail: Put him out and start over

    18-20 Statement: What you bind or loose

    21-22 Question #2How far do we go in forgiveness?

    23-35 Response #1Parable of the forgiving king/unforgiving servant
    ----------------Read verses 15-17 and then ask yourself:
    "What did it mean in their historical world to treat  people like

    "tax collectors and sinners?"
    Two answers

    1)Don't allow them in your bounded set.

    2)How did Jesus treat  tax collectors and sinners? In a centered set way. Tony Jones writes: 

    but because anyone, including Trucker Frank, can speak freely in this  church, my seminary-trained eyes were opened to find a truth in the Bible that had previously eluded me.”...That truth emerged in a discussion of Matthew 18's "treat the unrepentant brother like a tax collector or sinner.":
    "And how did Jesus treat tax collectors and pagans?" Frank asked aloud, pausing, "as of for a punchline he'd been waiting all his life to deliver,"....., "He welcomed them!""

    Week 3 quiz: Kraybill chapter 10

    Kraybill's illustration of the checkerboard (p.195) is meant to illustrate that

    a) Like Herod, we often “jump” to crown ourselves
    b) a Hegelian view of history and heilsgeschichte is reductionistic, especially regarding antithetical concatenation.
    c)  we draw lines between us and others
    d) we should follow St Paul’s instruction on “the holy kiss”
    e) chiasms are sometimes “crooked”
    2.)" Jews avoided _________, whom they called 'wild dogs.'" (p. 197)

    b)pregnant women who couldn’t cook skubala
    e)black foxes

    3) The profound symbolism of Jesus' feedings of the 5000 and the 4000 is that God wants to treat ________ and _________ as equals. (pp, 199-200)

    4) The shocking part (pp. 202-3) of the parable of The Good Samaritan is  ________________________________________.

    5)The Mishnah has how many paragraphs dealing with guidelines/commandments regarding women and menstruation? (p.203)

    a) 0
    b) 3.14
    c) 79
    d) 451
    e) 666

    6) “Jewish rabbis said Samaritan women were…..” (p. 205, again in 206)

    a) skubala-heads
    b) menstruants from the cradle
    c) more beautiful than bagels
    d) those with eyes as red as Christmas
    e) from Mars

    7) Bonus: “A daily prayer  by Jewish men intoned:
    ‘Blessed be God that he hath not made me a _____’”

    a) slave
    b) skubala-head
    c) Baptist
    d)  bacon cake

    e) woman

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